Cyprus, Nicosia

Do you need a return ticket if you are flying to Northern Cyprus without a residence permit?

Updated: 7 months ago
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When registering for flights to many countries, you may be asked for a return ticket. What about Northern Cyprus?

обратный билет при полёте на Северный Кипр

Situation in 2024

In 2023 and 2024, when departing from Turkish airports (and you can't fly from others yet — here is a list of current transfer points in Turkey), a return ticket was not required. However, aviation rules can change at any time.

What to do if asked?

  1. Buy a plane ticket at the airport. If you are unsure about the return date, choose flexible dates or the option for a full refund.

  2. Book without purchasing through a search aggregator, more details below.

How to secure yourself if you don't have a ticket?

The steps are the same as for an emergency purchase at the airport. Or "purchase" — in quotes. You can go to and through a partner ticket office, such as City.Travel, which will inevitably appear when buying a ticket, complete the purchase but do not pay for it. In this case, you will have a valid booking number. However, it is valid for less than a day, so use this option before departure.

обратный билет при полёте на Северный Кипр

The second option is to buy a ticket with the option of cancellation or with flexible dates if you still plan to leave the island, just don't know exactly when.

обратный билет при полёте на Северный Кипр

Such options are available with all airlines, but they are not the cheapest rates, or a special option for extra money, like with the popular carrier on the route Pegasus.

обратный билет при полёте на Северный Кипр

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