This section contains information about public hospitals and private clinics, their addresses and phone numbers. Also here you can find out where to get an MRI or get help from a Russian-speaking dentist. And of course - the contacts of duty pharmacies.
- Dentistry in Northern Cyprus
- Medicines in pharmacies in Northern Cyprus and their analogues
- Where to buy medicine at night or on the weekend?
- Where to do an MRI on the cheap in NC?
- What Girne drugstore has a Russian-speaking consultant?
- Can you buy Enterosgel or Polysorb in Northern Cyprus?
- How to confirm a medical qualification in NC?
- How to get to a doctor if you have a residence permit: a road map
- Medicine prices in North Cyprus
- Medical tourism in North Cyprus. Egg donation
- Health insurance in North Cyprus for tourists.
- Ivf in North Cyprus - it’s possible to choose the gender of your future child
- Basic medications in pharmacies for acute respiratory infections (ARI) and influenza (flu)
- Drugs in North Cyprus pharmacies for hair growth and strengthening
- Top 5 vitamins for children in pharmacies in North Cyprus.
- Best vitamins for adults in pharmacies
- Pharmacies in North Cyprus: summer schedule
- Veterinary clinics in North Cyprus
- State clinics of north cyprus
- Poisonous plants of Cyprus
- Which tourist insurances are valid in Northern Cyprus?
- Becoming blood donor in Northern Cyprus
- How to dispose of expired medications in Northern Cyprus?
- Psychiatric Clinic in Northern Cyprus
- Rules of Conduct on the Water
- Insurance for Expats and Nomads in Northern Cyprus
- Private Clinics in Northern Cyprus