November 19 Weather Forecast: Partly Cloudy Skies with Intermittent Showers in Northern Cyprus
According to the TRNC Meteorology Department, low atmospheric pressure combined with cold, moist air in the upper layers of the atmosphere will influence the region on Tuesday, November 19. Forecasters predict partly cloudy skies with periods of rain throughout the day.
Air temperatures will remain within seasonal norms, generally ranging between 18°C and 22°C across the country. The heaviest rainfall is expected in Güzelyurt, the central region, Famagusta, and Karpas.
Moderate winds will blow from the northeast, and no storms are anticipated in the region.
There are no weather alerts currently in effect for today.
Weather Forecast by Region for November 19:
- Northern Coast: Kyrenia – 21°C, Lapta – 21°C, Akdeniz – 21°C, Alevkaya – 18°C, Esentepe – 19°C
- Western Coast: Lefke – 22°C, Güzelyurt – 22°C
- Central Region: Nicosia – 22°C, Ercan – 22°C
- Eastern Coast: Famagusta – 23°C, Iskele – 23°C
- Karpas: Yenierenköy – 20°C
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