Cyprus, Nicosia

António Guterres invited Ersin Tatar to a meeting in New York

29.03.2024 / 18:11
News Category

The Secretary-General of the United Nations (UN), António Guterres, invited the President of the TRNC, Ersin Tatar, to a meeting in New York. The personal meeting will take place on Friday, April 5, at the UN headquarters.

In New York, Tatar will be accompanied by his Special Representative, Güneş Onar.

The invitation to the personal meeting was extended to the leader of the Turkish Cypriots after António Guterres met with President Nikos Christodoulides in Belgium on the sidelines of the European Council summit.

According to the “Cyprus Post,” the Cypriot-Turkish side insisted on a personal meeting between the UN Secretary-General and the head of the TRNC. In response, António Guterres invited Ersin Tatar to come to Brussels the next day. However, the leader of Northern Cyprus could not promptly travel to the capital of Belgium. Instead, a meeting in New York was scheduled for April 5.

It is expected that during his visit, Ersin Tatar will inform the UN chief about his position on the Cyprus issue.

It is worth noting that this year, the Personal Envoy of the UN Secretary-General, María Ángela Holguín Cuéllar, has already visited both sides of the island twice. She met with leaders of both communities, politicians, representatives of NGOs, and civil society to assess whether there are any grounds for new negotiations.

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