Cyprus, Nicosia

The story of a popular landmark in Northern Cyprus was deemed a lie

11.04.2024 / 12:25
News Category

Hasan Karlıtaş, President of the Tourism Association of Lefke, called the narrative surrounding one of the most prominent attractions in the TRNC a falsehood. The union leader urged an end to the dissemination of misinformation that misleads tourists.

The reference is to a renowned tourist spot known as the 'Blue House' - Mavi Köşk. Karlıtaş reacted to the mansion's story on his social media platform.

In his impassioned post, the expert urged to 'put an end to the misinformation about the 'Blue Mansion'.' He stressed that nearly all information circulating about Mavi Köşk is inaccurate.

According to the specialist, despite Pavlos Pavlidis, known as the owner of the Blue House, studying law, he was not Makarios's lawyer. Additionally, the famed lawyer, of Greek Cypriot origin, was not Italian.

Furthermore, the expert asserts that Pavlos Pavlidis constructed the Blue House in 1973, not in the 1950s as tourists are told.

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