Cyprus, Nicosia

A powerful storm hit Yeniboğaziçi

06.05.2024 / 10:43
News Category

Over the past weekend, a natural disaster raged in Northern Cyprus. Yeniboğaziçi was struck by strong storm winds.

According to local media reports, the hurricane that swept through the area caused serious damage to infrastructure facilities.

Due to the intense wind, roofs were torn off houses and office buildings, falling onto parked cars and causing significant damage to them.

It is worth mentioning that last Friday, a storm warning was issued throughout the country, which remained in effect throughout the weekend.

As of today, the warning has been lifted. However, storms are still expected in the region today.

Nevertheless, meteorologists are forecasting heavy rainfall and thunderstorms.

It should be noted that the highest amount of precipitation over the weekend was recorded in Koza, with 17 kilograms per square meter.

The distribution of precipitation by regions looked as follows: Koza - 17 kg/m², Selvilitepe - 13 kg/m², Yeşilyrmak - 12 kg/m², Çamlıbel - 7 kg/m², Alsancak - 5 kg/m², Gemikonagi, Koruçam, Akdeniz - 3 kg/m², Kyrenia, Bosphorus - 2 kg/m², and in other regions, precipitation levels ranged from 0.1 to 2 kg/m².

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