On March 22, cloudy weather without precipitation is expected in Northern Cyprus
According to the TRNC Meteorology Department, on Friday, March 22, the region remains under the influence of low pressure and cool, moist air. Meteorologists predict cloudy weather. There is no precipitation expected today.
The maximum air temperature today will be 20-21°C, which corresponds to seasonal climatic norms.
The wind will be northwest, of moderate strength, with gusts up to strong. Despite windy weather, there are no active meteorological warnings in the region. Storms are also not expected throughout the region today.
Weather for March 22 by regions:
Northern coast: Kyrenia – 20°C, Lapta – 19°C, Akdeniz - 18°C, Alevkaya - 16°C, Esentepe - 18°C.
Western coast: Lefke – 20°C, Güzelyurt – 20°C.
Central part: Nicosia – 20°C, Ercan – 21°C
Eastern coast: Famagusta – 20°C, Iskele – 21°C
Karpas: Yenierenkoy – 18°C