Cyprus, Nicosia

In Northern Cyprus, Imported Meat from the Netherlands Checked

11.06.2024 / 19:27
News Category

The Ministry of Agriculture of the TRNC has released the results of an analysis of frozen meat imported from the Netherlands, stating that the product poses no risks to consumers.

According to the ministry's statement, frozen lamb meat with bones imported from the Netherlands by the Institute of Soil Products arrived in the country on June 6. The conducted analyses indicated that consuming the frozen meat is safe for public health.

Products subjected to physical import control by an official veterinarian associated with the Veterinary Department were deemed suitable for import into the country.

It is also noted that the products were not placed on the market until the results of confirmatory analyses were requested from the Public Health Department of the Veterinary Department.

“According to the results of microbiological, chemical, and species analyses conducted by the National Reference Laboratory for Food Products, there is no health risk to the public from consuming the examined frozen meat,” the ministry's statement said.

It is worth recalling that the Institute of Soil Products (TÜK) announced the commencement of the sale of imported frozen lamb meat in the TRNC. The addresses and phone numbers of markets and butcher shops where it can be purchased were published by the department.

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