Cyprus, Nicosia

The number of psychologists is growing in Northern Cyprus: their activities are sought to be regulated

06.12.2023 / 10:41
News Category

Zorlu Töre, the President of the Assembly Republic, met with the President of the Association of Turkish Cypriot Psychologists, Eşmen Tatlıdil. The union is requesting the reintroduction of a bill into the Assembly's agenda that regulates the activities of professionals in this field, which was submitted to the parliament as early as 2018.

During the meeting, the parliament speaker stated that he fully supports the legal regulation of psychologists' activities. According to Zorlu Töre, the number of psychologists in the country is increasing every day, and their activities should be controlled by law, making the Association's request very relevant in this context.

The President of the Assembly also emphasized that there are people in the country with genetic disorders or psychological disorders who require serious treatment.

Zorlu Töre noted that if the relevant ministry submits this law to the parliament, the ruling majority will support its adoption.

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