Cyprus, Nicosia

The TRNC Parliament Approves the Budget for the Ministry of Tourism

13.12.2023 / 13:29
News Category

On Wednesday, during the session of the Assembly of the Republic of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC), the budget for the Ministry of Tourism, Culture, Youth, and Environment was approved. The budget is set at 1 billion 203 million 447 thousand 700 Turkish liras.

Before the budget was passed, the Minister of Tourism, Culture, Youth, and Environment, Fikri Ataoglu, presented a report. After concluding the report, the head of the ministry answered questions from parliamentarians. Following the discussion, the tourism ministry budget was approved by a majority of votes.

It is worth noting that budget discussions commenced in the TRNC Parliament on Monday, December 11, and will continue for 10 days. Deputies will convene on weekdays until December 22. Alongside the general budget, 35 budgets for ministries, departments, and agencies will be discussed and approved.

Earlier, deputies had already approved the overall country budget, the presidential budget, and the Assembly of the Republic treasury.

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