Cyprus, Nicosia

Fired officials in Northern Cyprus found replacements and new jobs

03.04.2024 / 18:47
News Category

The Council of Ministers of the TRNC has completed the personnel reshuffles that began yesterday. Replacements were found for dismissed officials, and some of them were given new jobs.

As a reminder, earlier in the Official Gazette, information was published about the dismissal of 7 high-ranking civil servants. In today's issue of the state newspaper, information about eight new appointments has been published.

In particular, the Council of Ministers made a new appointment after the dismissal of Derviş Refiker, the Secretary-General of the Higher Education Planning, Supervision, Accreditation, and Coordination Council (YDAK). He was placed under investigation a week ago as part of the investigation into the "fake diplomas" case.

Erdinç Akgür, who was dismissed yesterday from the position of director of the Prime Minister's Office, has been appointed as the new Secretary-General of YÖDAK. He will take office on April 3, 2024. In turn, Salih Peykoz has been appointed as the new head of the Prime Minister's Office from April 3.

Firdeş Arycı was appointed by the Council of Ministers to replace Ali Alioglu, who was dismissed yesterday as director of the Land Registry and Cadastre Department. He also assumed his duties today.

Jamal Kuyudzh has been appointed to replace Boru Akkuş, who has been the district governor of Nicosia for the past three years, effective April 3.

Ergin Erchoban, who was dismissed as director of the Ministry of Interior's Private Secretariat, has been appointed as the director of the Department of Social Housing of the Ministry of Interior from April 3.

The appointment to the position of personal secretary of the Ministry of Interior has not yet been made.

Tarık Haydar has been appointed to replace Alev Muderrisoglu, who served as the director of the State Laboratory, from April 3.

In addition, the Council of Ministers dismissed Müge Tunçbilek, who served as the director of the Central Legislation Department, from April 3, and appointed Senal Gursoy in his place.

The Council of Ministers also appointed Ozlem Keskinoglu as the director of the Department of Pharmaceuticals. He will assume his duties on April 3.

Thus, as a result of the mass personnel reshuffles, former Nicosia district governor Boru Akkuş and former head of the Ministry of Interior's social housing department, Ercan Beşerler, remain unemployed.

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