Cyprus, Nicosia

In Famagusta, street lighting is being upgraded

08.04.2024 / 16:15
News Category

Work continues in Famagusta to expand the city's lighting infrastructure. Municipal authorities are modernizing street lighting, both on main roads and at small intersections.

According to the municipality, local businessmen will be involved in improving urban lighting infrastructure through cooperation with state teams. This primarily concerns highways lacking necessary infrastructure and lighting supports.

Municipal teams have already conducted excavations and laid cables to create a completely new lighting infrastructure along the route between Famagusta State Hospital and Tuzla. With the support of local entrepreneurs, poles will be installed, and new lighting fixtures manufactured on this stretch in the coming days.

After earthworks and cable laying on the 700-meter route, a total of 19 galvanized poles will be installed, and the route itself will be illuminated by LED lights.

Famagusta Municipal Council member Hussein Aranir noted that they continue repair work throughout the city to make Famagusta brighter. Currently, municipal authorities are seeking solutions for areas where there is still no lighting at all.

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