Cyprus, Nicosia

Drunk Driver Hits Police Officer in Famagusta

03.09.2024 / 18:13
News Category

In Famagusta, a 20-year-old drunk driver struck a police officer, resulting in the officer suffering a broken arm.

According to the police press office, the incident occurred late last night, around 01:30, on İsmet İnönü Boulevard. The police officer had attempted to stop the vehicle driven by the young man, but the driver ignored the instructions and continued driving, hitting the officer in the process.

The driver lost control, veered off the road, and crashed into a staircase beside the road. A breathalyzer test confirmed that the driver was intoxicated at the time of the accident.

The injured officer was treated at Famagusta State Hospital, where he was diagnosed with a broken right arm. The driver has been arrested.

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