Gates of Antony Discovered in Famagusta Fortress
A team of researchers has uncovered what is believed to be the Gates of Antony within the walls of Famagusta Fortress. The group, "Always Friends of Nature," known for their environmental and cultural work, investigated the area from the city’s entrance to Saint Peter’s Cathedral.

Yusuf Yüksel Şentug, the group's leader, explained that the researchers studied the fortress walls both inside and out and found passages that they identified as the Gates of Antony. These gates were once used by the people of Famagusta as exits leading toward the sea.
“At that time, both men and women would reach the sea by passing through separate gateways. Although the Gates of Antony don’t directly lead to the sea, they are large enough for a horse-drawn cart to pass through, which would have been used to travel from Karakol. This strengthens our belief that these are indeed the gates. We are proud to bring to light an event that took place 500 years ago,” the researchers stated.