Cyprus, Nicosia

Roads Reopened in Nicosia After €1 Million Sewer Reconstruction

16.09.2024 / 11:45
News Category

In the Turkish municipality of Nicosia, a new phase of the sewer network reconstruction, costing €1 million, has been completed. This morning, Mehmet Akif Street was reopened to traffic.

According to the municipality’s statement, work on this section continued until late last night. As a result, repairs in areas prone to traffic congestion were finished before the new school year begins. It’s worth noting that the start of classes has been postponed by a week.

As part of the “Main Sewer Line” project, all pipes were replaced with new ones made from modern and durable materials. The total investment for this work amounts to 36 million Turkish liras, with funding provided by the EU Commission.

With the third phase now complete, the fourth phase will begin on Gültekin Şengör Street. These upcoming works are not expected to impact traffic flow.

Over the next two weeks, pothole repairs and new asphalt will be laid across all construction sites.

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