Cyprus, Nicosia

Northern Cyprus Marks Democracy and National Unity Day on July 15

15.07.2024 / 11:16
News Category

Today, Northern Cyprus will observe Democracy and National Unity Day, honoring those who perished during the coup attempt on July 15, 2016.

The Embassy of the Republic of Turkey in Nicosia will host a memorial ceremony at the Bosphorus Martyrs' Cemetery at 09:00. At 11:30, BRT will air a special program featuring Turkish Ambassador to Nicosia, Metin Feizioglu.

President Ersin Tatar of Northern Cyprus has also issued a message commemorating the 8th anniversary of the 2016 coup attempt in Turkey and the 50th anniversary of the coup in Cyprus.

"We mark the anniversary of the treacherous coup attempt on July 15, 2016, when the Great Turkish Nation demonstrated its unwavering commitment to defending democracy and national will. On the night of July 15, those who sought to undermine the unity and solidarity of the Republic of Turkey were defeated by the determination of the Turkish people and the heroic sacrifices of our security forces," said the president.

President Tatar also emphasized that July 15 is a significant date for Turkish Cypriots as well, marking the 50th anniversary of the coup in Cyprus. The intervention by the Republic of Turkey on July 20, 1974, aimed at restoring peace on the island, brought independence and freedom to Turkish Cypriots.

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