Cyprus, Nicosia

In Turkey, the trial on the collapse of the "Isias" hotel in Adiyaman has begun

07.01.2024 / 10:58
News Category

On January 3, the trial regarding the collapse of the Isias hotel in Adiyaman began in Turkey, where 72 people died as a result of an earthquake on February 6. Northern Cyprus pays special attention to this case: among the deceased are 35 athletes and teachers from the Turkish Cypriot community.

The case is being heard in the Third High Criminal Court of Adiyaman from January 3 to 5.

The first court session started at 09:00 (08:00 Cyprus time). Before the court stood 11 defendants, five of whom are already in custody. They are accused of "causing death and bodily harm to more than one person through conscious negligence." The prosecution has requested imprisonment ranging from 2 years and 8 months to 22 years and 6 months for the defendants.

It is worth noting that a large delegation from Northern Cyprus, including the families of the deceased children seeking justice, is following the case. One of the plaintiffs is the Prime Minister of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, Ersan Saner.

Recall that the destructive earthquake on February 6 claimed the lives of more than 50,000 people. Among the victims were members of a children's volleyball team from Famagusta and their parents, totaling 35 people. The Council of Ministers of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus made a historic decision, recognizing the entire team as martyrs. They were called the "Angel-Champions."

In the country, the "Association of Survival of Angel-Champions" has been established. Streets in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus are named after the deceased, a covered sports hall is being built at the Fazıl Küçük stadium complex in memory of the deceased volleyball players and coaches, and in six villages of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, the construction of mausoleums for the Angel-Champions has begun.

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