TRNC Authorities Broaden Rules on Importing Left-Hand Drive Vehicles
The government of Northern Cyprus has extended and expanded its policy on importing left-hand drive vehicles. In addition to passenger cars, the new regulations now permit the import of double-cabin vehicles and tractors.
Although the initial decision to allow the import and registration of left-hand drive cars in Northern Cyprus stirred public debate, the government has opted to broaden the scope of the policy to include other types of vehicles.
Under the original decision, only passenger cars with left-hand drive were eligible for import and registration. However, according to a new directive published in the Official Gazette, the policy has been expanded to cover various types of heavy machinery, such as trucks and tractors.
This move has drawn criticism from the Chamber of Mechanical Engineers, a member organization of the Union of Chambers of Turkish Cypriot Engineers and Architects (KTMMOB). The chamber has voiced concerns that the decision to allow the inspection and registration of left-hand drive vehicles without import permits violates existing laws and undermines road safety standards.