Cyprus, Nicosia

During the week in Northern Cyprus, 10 fires caused damage worth a million lira

12.02.2024 / 15:20
News Category

The TRNC Fire Department published a report for the period from February 5th to 11th: 10 fires occurred in the country over the past week. The total damage from the fires amounted to nearly 1 million Turkish lira.

Among the reasons for the fires are mentioned short circuits in the electrical parts of car engine compartments, snapping of wires from electric poles onto dry grass, pouring unextinguished barbecue coals into a garbage container, and ignition of gas leaking from a camping stove hose.

In addition to the fires themselves, emergency services responded to 23 more calls during the past week.

These incidents include rescuing people trapped in vehicles after accidents, as well as on the balcony of their home, rescuing a person locked in a car, and rescuing a cat that fell into a well.

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