Cyprus, Nicosia

How to send a parcel to Northern Cyprus?

Updated: 8 months ago
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As a result of its unrecognized republic status, correspondence to North Cyprus necessitates a unique approach. Let me elucidate the procedure for you.

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Addressing Guidelines

If you simply indicate the address in the format of postal code — municipality — thoroughfare, the package will be directed to South Cyprus. Since North Cyprus is exclusively acknowledged by Turkey, all parcels and correspondence transit through this country, specifically via the city of Mersin, where ferries embark for the island.

Thus, preceding the address in North Cyprus, it is imperative to include: Turkey, via Mersin-10. For instance, the complete address ought to be presented as follows: Turkey, via Mersin-10, 99300, TRNC, Girne, Ziya Rızkı Cd, 1.

Monitoring Delivery Status

Ensure that when dispatching, a local, North Cypriot phone number commencing with +90 is provided alongside the recipient's name. This facilitates postal personnel in reaching out to the addressee.

You can also track the package using the North Cyprus Post website. On this page, you will be required to enter the barcodes assigned during shipment. Up to five codes can be entered simultaneously, each on a separate line.

Frequently Asked Questions about Mail in North Cyprus

Where Can North Cyprus City Postal Codes be Found?

All postal codes for cities in North Cyprus have been compiled on this page. Feel free to utilize and share the link with acquaintances.

How is Delivery from Aliexpress Managed?

In terms of addressing, the procedure remains unchanged, although there are particularities. We have provided an elaborate account of the process for receiving goods from the Chinese marketplace in this article.

Within the North Cyprus Telegram forum, an area titled "Fly/Looking for Delivery" is available, which you may consider should the package not be bulky.


  • elena-dmd3 months ago

    Спасибо за статью. Не понятно осталось, нужно ли в начале указывать второй индекс-Мерсина10? Это же международный индекс 33000, а индекс на СК уже вторичен.

  • 3 months ago

    Turkey, via Mersin-10, 99300, KKTC, город, улица, дом-квартира
    Больше ничего указывать не нужно.

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