Cyprus, Nicosia

New currency exchange fraud scheme

Updated: 1 year ago
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We have warned many times – do not exchange money without a personal presence or transfer money to strangers until you have cash on hand!

In our currency exchange chat, you can find the verified users with their identities authenticated, and we have the passport details and addresses of these people. Unfortunately, some users can still write from anywhere and breed for money. Please, be careful.

Now they have implemented a cunning scheme for receiving money, exchanging USD for cash (transfer to a card). They arrange a meeting with you, play for time, and if you do not meet, they ask for the contacts of your friends/acquaintances to whose cards they can transfer money. Your friend's account is fake, and you are in correspondence with scammers who confirm the receipt of funds. In response, you do an electronic transfer. It is about tens of thousands of dollars/euros. There are already victims of this fraud scheme. Please be attentive and don't be fooled. Perform any money exchange operations only in person.


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