Cyprus, Nicosia

The most important telephone numbers and addresses in North Cyprus

Updated: 2 months ago
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Add this page to your browser's bookmarks - here we have collected the most demanded information about life in Northern Cyprus.

Emergency Phones

  • 112 - Ambulance
  • 155 - Police
  • 199 - Fire Service

Other important phone numbers are collected on a separate page.

Russian Federation Consulate in Northern Cyprus

There is no full-fledged Russian consulate in Northern Cyprus, but there is a consular post that receives citizens several times a week in the northern part of Nicosia. Here's how to get there.

Household Issues

Phone Registration

After 90 days in the country, the mobile device is blocked and stops catching the GSM signal. Here's how to avoid this.

Electricity Payment

The services of the electricity supplier, Kib-Tek, can be paid in several ways. All payment methods.

Water Payment

There are two types of water supply to homes and apartments in Northern Cyprus. Here's how they differ.

Other Important Points

Real Estate Issues

For owners or tenants of real estate, we have prepared several instructions.

Legality of Stay in TRNC

By default, the border guard puts a permit for a stay in the north of the island for 30 days. In rare cases, this can be 15, in even rarer cases - 60. If you plan to stay in the TRNC for a longer period, you need to apply for a residence permit.


Important Places

General Questions

How to get to Northern Cyprus

You can only fly or take a ferry through Turkey. Here is the list of cities through which you can get to Northern Cyprus, and here is the information about the new terminal of Ercan airport on the island.

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