Cyprus, Nicosia

Event Calendar for Northern Cyprus in December

Updated: 1 month ago
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December in Northern Cyprus is traditionally a busy month for events, thanks to the New Year celebrations.

However, while many New Year programs are yet to be finalized, some interesting events in December are already known. A special selection of New Year events will be provided closer to the date. Additionally, as the New Year approaches, more events will be added to the Event Calendar section.

Event schedule in Northern Cyprus in December

Canbay & Wolker Concert

Can Gox Concert

Lütfiye Özipek Concert

Çakal Concert

Cem Adrian Concert

Ati 242 Concert

Mert Demir Concert

Gülşen Concert

Looking for more interesting events? In the Telegram chat "Northern Cyprus Event Calendar", organizers also publish events you might find interesting.

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