Cyprus, Nicosia

Hunting Regulations in Northern Cyprus

Updated: 6 months ago
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Hunting is incredibly popular in Northern Cyprus, but it is subject to specific regulations. Here’s a rundown of the essential details.

Правила охоты на Северном Кипре

Hunting License in Northern Cyprus

Hunting licenses are issued by the Ministry of the Interior and can only be obtained in the capital, Nicosia.

Licenses are available to local residents, and if you hold a residence permit, you can also apply for a temporary license.

Authorities closely monitor both the possession of hunting licenses and adherence to designated hunting days.

Documents Required for Foreigners to Obtain a Hunting License:

  • Identification card
  • Residence permit (ikamet)
  • Two passport-sized photos
  • Criminal record certificate (here’s how to order it from Russia)
  • Medical certificate from a state hospital confirming no disability for hunting license eligibility

Hunting Seasons in Northern Cyprus

Hunting is permitted during certain seasons but is not allowed in summer. Specific hunting days are set before each season, typically on Sundays, with occasional Wednesdays permitted during the main season.

Small Game Hunting

This season starts from late August or early September and runs until October. During this time, hunting is restricted to 10 bird species listed in the hunting regulations.

In 2024, this season began on September 1st, with hunting allowed on four Sundays in September—1st, 8th, 15th, and 22nd.

Big Game Hunting

This is the primary hunting season in Northern Cyprus, running from late October or early November until the end of December or early January. During this period, hunters can use dogs to hunt quails, ducks, geese, pheasants, and rabbits.

In 2024, this season starts on November 3rd and ends on January 5th. Hunting is allowed on Sundays and Wednesdays, with 12 hunting days in total: November 3rd, 10th, 17th, 24th, December 1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd, 25th, 29th, and January 1st and 5th, 2025.

Spring Hunting

This season runs from early February to the end of March, allowing hunting of migratory birds, pheasants, thrushes, and similar species.

Additionally, hunting woodpeckers is permitted twice a week from late April to late May.

Hunting Safety Rules in Northern Cyprus

  • Hunting is allowed from sunrise to sunset; night hunting is prohibited.
  • Firearms must be transported only in the trunk of a vehicle.
  • You must keep at least 200 meters away from residential areas.
  • Approaching barbecue areas within 300 meters is prohibited.
  • No more than two dogs are allowed per hunt.
  • Setting nets, traps, or other lures is forbidden.
  • Hunters should wear brightly colored clothing to be visible to others.

Frequently Asked Questions About Hunting in Northern Cyprus

What types of dogs are used for hunting in Northern Cyprus?

The primary breeds are English Setter, English Pointer, and German Shorthaired Pointer (Kurzhaar). Local mixed-breed dogs, believed to have been on the island since the Venetian era, are also commonly used.

Can I bring my own gun to Northern Cyprus?

You can bring your own hunting or sporting firearm to Northern Cyprus. However, automatic and semi-automatic weapons are not permitted.

How do I bring my gun to Northern Cyprus?

To bring your firearm, you need to contact the Ministry of the Interior in Nicosia in advance to obtain a permit and arrange for customs clearance.

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