Cyprus, Nicosia

What to do if a taxi driver offends you in Turkey?

Updated: 11 months ago
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As is well known, it is only possible to get to Northern Cyprus with a transfer in Turkey. And this country is known for its not very honest taxi drivers, who like to deceive foreigners during the trip. For example, not turning on the meter. Then the final price will be significantly higher, sometimes twice as much. Also, the driver may say that the meter in his car is broken, and on arrival, you will again get an unreasonable price. Turkish taxi drivers sometimes refuse to give change or may refuse the trip if the destination is too close. It is not profitable for them.

What to do in such unpleasant situations? You need to photograph the car number and call 157. This is the support service. They will definitely deal with your problem, and the taxi driver may lose their license.

In case of blatant violations, you can immediately dial 112. This also works. And if you want to control the route and the driver, it is best to use the BiTaxi app.

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