Cyprus, Nicosia

Where and how to pay a fine issued by the traffic police

Updated: 10 months ago
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If you have memorized the location of all the cameras on your route, the road patrol team can catch you using a radar. They often set up ambushes on highways where you can reach significant speeds - from Nicosia towards Famagusta or Güzelyurt and Lefke.

In this case, you will be issued a fine on a ticket, indicating the place of the offense and your information (driver's license and passport numbers). You have 15 days to pay the fine, after which it doubles. After another 15 days, the case is referred to court.

You can pay the fine at any police station, including the one in your region. Cards (of course, not issued in Russia) are accepted for payment, but for precaution, it is recommended to bring cash - there have been cases where many cards did not work.

You will be given a receipt for payment and a cash register receipt, it is better to keep them until the moment of leaving the island in case your payment information does not reach the border service in time.

This procedure is also applicable to other fines issued by the traffic police.

For a list of police stations where you can make payment, see here.

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