Cyprus, Nicosia

Traffic Laws and fines in North Cyprus

Updated: 4 months ago
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Traffic violation laws in North Cyprus are quite strict, with a total of 175 different violations. Fines are calculated based on the amount of the minimum wage, and as soon as it increases, the fines also increase.

The strictest fines are for driving under the influence and driving without a license, which are equal to the minimum wage — 40,436 lira. Yes, an important note — the "gross" minimum wage is taken into account, that is, before tax deductions.

Дорожная полиция Северный Кипр

Fines in North Cyprus

  • Speeding within 20 km/h — 4,043 TL
  • Speeding from 20 to 40 km/h — 6,065 TL
  • Speeding over 40 km/h — 10,109 TL
  • Reckless driving — 8,087 TL
  • Failure to yield to emergency vehicles — 6,065 TL
  • Driving without the vehicle owner's permission — 40,436 TL
  • Driving an unregistered vehicle — 4,043 TL
  • Driving a vehicle with unregistered modifications — 16,174 TL
  • Driving without a license — 40,436 TL
  • Driving with a blood alcohol level over 100 mg — 40,436 TL
  • Driving with a blood alcohol level from 50 to 100 mg — 20,218 TL
  • Driving without a learner's sign when required — 4,043 TL
  • Using worn-out tires — 4,043 TL
  • Forgetting your license at home — 2,022 TL
  • Driving without a TRNC license (after one month in the country) — 6,065 TL
  • Driving without a rearview mirror — 2,022 TL
  • Incorrect use of turn signals — 4,043 TL
  • Driving without insurance — 10,109 TL
  • Failure to yield at a roundabout — 4,043 TL
  • Unnecessary use of horns — 4,043 TL
  • Carrying more passengers than allowed — 2,022 TL
  • Carrying passengers in unapproved areas — 6,065 TL
  • Failure to use seat belts — 4,043 TL
  • Lack of a child seat — 4,043 TL
  • Failure to yield to pedestrians at a crossing — 6,065 TL
  • Overtaking on the left — 6,065 TL
  • Riding a motorcycle without a helmet — 6,065 TL
  • Driving without paying the road tax — 10,109 TL
  • Ignoring traffic signals — 8,087 TL
  • Allowing a person without a driver's license to drive — 40,436 TL
  • Driving with a license of another category — 40,436 TL

Frequently asked questions about fines in North Cyprus

When does information from surveillance cameras reach the police?

Information from road cameras reaches the police no earlier than a month after the violation. You can check for fines at the nearest police station.

How much time is given to pay the fine?

You must pay the fine within 15 days. If payment is not made on time, the fine is doubled, and you are given another 15 days to pay (the already doubled fine). After the 30-day period, if you still haven’t paid the fine, the case is referred to court.

A fine for driving under the influence (if more than 50 mg of alcohol was found in the blood), a fine for driving under the influence of drugs, a fine for refusing a breathalyzer test, or a fine for refusing to go to the police station or another authority equipped with devices for measuring blood alcohol must be paid within 3 days of issuance.

Where and how to pay the fine?

Both a traffic police-issued fine and a camera fine can be paid at a police station. Here we explained how the payment process works, and on this page you can see the locations of police stations.

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