Cyprus, Nicosia

How to obtain a work visa in Northern Cyprus?

Updated: 9 months ago
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To obtain a work visa, you must find an official job. In this case, the company or organization with which you want to sign an employment contract must be registered in the TRNC and officially pay taxes to government. Our telegram chat "Services & Work (NC)" or "North Cyprus" chat will help you find a suitable job.

The work visa is processed by your employee. The whole process can take between 1 and 6 months from the date of submission of the documents. You must take into account that while the documents are being negotiated, you must be outside the TRNC and will have to wait for an official invitation from your employer. Therefore, if you are in Northern Cyprus before the processing of your work visa application begins, you will have to leave the country before the process is completed. An exception is if you already hold a residence permit when submitting the documents, simplifying the procedure.

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