Cyprus, Nicosia

Mobile communication in the Republic of Cyprus

Updated: 12 months ago
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There are four major mobile operators in the Republic of Cyprus - Cyta, Epic, PrimeTel, and Cablenet.

Cyta is a state network and so has some preferences - its towers stand even in the most remote parts of the island. Cyta is quite in demand and one of the best for users, according to reviews. Cyta catches almost everywhere, and the internet speed of the network is quite fast.

A tariff with unlimited internet, including 6000 calls, 6000 sms, will cost 35€. For Cyprus, the money is small, but it is really convenient to use.

Cablenet operates on Cyta towers, so the coverage is also decent, and full unlimited is only 20€.

Epic - 5G network with full unlimited also for 20€. The opinions of users differ. Some consider Cyta a little more expensive, but with a better quality and larger coverage. And some use Cablenet or Epic and are fully satisfied.

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