Cyprus, Nicosia

The Rock of Aphrodite: where is it located and how to get there without a car

Updated: 12 months ago
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The Rock of Aphrodite, also known as Petra tou Romiou, is today one of the most recognizable symbols of the island, its true hallmark. In addition to the rocks themselves, the coast is lined with a beach of the same name, beautiful in its own right.

According to legend, it was in this place that the goddess Aphrodite emerged from the sea foam, the Greek word "aphros" translating to "foam." Legends also connect this place with the Romans - subjects of Byzantium, and the ancient Greeks.

In any case, the place is very popular among couples in love and, as a result, among wedding agencies that include this spot in all their island routes.

Getting to the Rock of Aphrodite can be done independently. Most conveniently by car (find the location on the map below), but there is also the possibility to arrive at the site by public transport.

Bus No. 631 runs from the Paphos harbor (the stop is called Harbour) to Petra tou Romiou daily from 7:25 to 22:30, and back from 8:15 to 23:15. You can check the route and schedule on the bus company's website.

Keep in mind that the actual Rock of Aphrodite is not the sharp rocks protruding from the water, but a less conspicuous dark boulder to the left of them when facing the sea.

Скала Афродиты (Aphrodite's Rock)
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