Cyprus, Nicosia

Medical tourism - how much does it cost to give birth in Cyprus?

Updated: 1 month ago
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Due to the unfavourable ecology of big cities, childbirth in warm countries with good ecology and qualified medical support is becoming an increasingly popular area of medical tourism.

A number of clinics in the Republic of Cyprus offer pregnancy and childbirth services. Prices on the island are more than acceptable. Natural childbirth from 2500 euros, caesarean section from 3500 euros. The price includes a three-day stay in hospital and all necessary medical procedures. Paid clinics in Cyprus employ highly qualified doctors, and medical centres are equipped with modern equipment. In addition, in most cases, medical personnel who speak the native language of the expectant mother are selected for women in labour.

To get documents for a newborn baby in Cyprus is quite simple - the clinic issues a certificate of birth of the baby, after which the document should be submitted to the embassy of your country, where the child will be registered.

Recall that a baby born in the Republic of Cyprus to foreigners cannot claim citizenship.

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