Department of Antiquities Opposes Skyscraper Project Near Famagusta Gate in Nicosia
The Cyprus Department of Antiquities has raised objections to the proposed construction of a high-rise building near Famagusta Gate in Nicosia.
• "The Venetian walls of Nicosia are among the capital’s most important landmarks, and Famagusta Gate is its most iconic. You don’t need to be an archaeologist to understand that they must be preserved," said Department of Antiquities Director Giorgos Georgiou in an interview with CyBC.
The Ministry of Interior confirmed to Cyprus Mail that the proposed development is a 300-room hotel. As a result, the authority to grant construction permits has been assigned to the newly established Nicosia District Administration (EOA) rather than the Town Planning Department.
Initially, the application was submitted to the Nicosia Municipality under the previous administrative framework. However, the Department of Antiquities objected, leading to a temporary halt in the approval process. The project was later resubmitted to EOA, reigniting discussions.
According to local reports, the original developer had planned to construct a 36-story, 150-meter-tall skyscraper on a 3,408 m² plot. However, the design was later revised, reducing the height to 26 floors.
The Cyprus Association of Archaeologists (CAA) has also spoken out against the project.
• "Urban developments like this are not in line with the principles of sustainable growth and balanced urban planning. They also impact residents’ quality of life," the association stated.