Cyprus, Nicosia

Eight young Turkish Cypriots were attacked in Troodos

20.02.2024 / 09:43
News Category

An attack on eight Turkish Cypriots took place in the Republic of Cyprus, who went on a trip to Troodos.

The victims reported the incident in a conversation with the Cyprus Turkish News Agency. According to the young people, the incident occurred last Sunday. A group of Turkish Cypriots around the age of 20 set off on a trip to the Troodos mountains in three cars. On their way back, around 15:30, the guys stopped at a picnic spot called Plataniás. At that moment, they were attacked by a group of Greek-speaking individuals with sticks and stones.

The attackers were young people aged 25-35 who were drinking alcohol at the park entrance, next to cars with license plates from the Republic of Cyprus. They had stones and sticks in their hands.

It is reported that three young men were injured as a result of the incident. They all sustained various physical injuries.

After the attack, all eight Turkish Cypriots managed to escape from the attackers. The beaten young men made their way to TRNC and sought medical help at the state hospital named after Burhan Nalbantoğlu, where they received outpatient treatment.

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