Cyprus, Nicosia

How to get from Limassol to Nicosia

Updated: 8 months ago
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If you are vacationing in Limassol and want to visit the capital, or if you have business there, here are the options available.

Travel options from Limassol to Nicosia

Автобус из Лимассола в Никосию

Limassol to Nicosia by taxi

A taxi from Limassol to Nicosia will cost you 100 euros for a regular car and 120 euros for a minivan. You can order a taxi through one of several apps, which we have already mentioned. Or just approach the taxi drivers in busy areas.

Limassol to Nicosia by car

If you have a car or have rented one, you should take the A1 highway from the central areas of the city, which goes directly to the island's capital, so it's hard to get lost. Just in case, download a navigation app on your phone.

Limassol to Nicosia by bus

Intercity Buses start running to the capital from 5:30 AM from the new port every half hour to an hour, with the last bus departing at 9:30 PM. On weekends and holidays, buses run from 7:00 AM to 10:30 PM, with fewer routes.

Frequently asked questions about the trip from Limassol to Nicosia

How long does it take to get from Limassol to Nicosia?

By car or taxi, the journey takes about an hour and a half, maybe a little more or less depending on traffic. The bus covers the same route in approximately 1 hour and 45 minutes.

What is the cost of the bus from Limassol to Nicosia?

A one-way ticket costs 5 euros, a round trip (day pass) costs 9 euros. You can buy a weekly pass for 44 euros and a monthly pass for 100 euros.

How to rent a car in Cyprus?

The easiest option is to use the search aggregator Localrent. For more details on car rentals in the Republic of Cyprus, we discussed it in this article.

In the chat of Russian-speaking Cypriots, you can find a taxi, car rental contact, or just get advice on various aspects of life in Cyprus.

Междугородняя автостанция в Лимассоле (Intercity bus station in Limassol)
Междугородняя автостанция в Никосии (Intercity bus station in Nicosia)
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