Cyprus, Nicosia

Public houses in Northern Cyprus

Updated: 10 months ago
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Prostitution in Northern Cyprus is not prohibited at the legislative level, just like casinos. However, there are still some nuances.

There are quite a few public houses in the TRNC territory, but there are still some restrictions - for example, they cannot be located in a populated area or in close proximity to it. So, all of them are located outside the city and are called nightclubs. There is, of course, a transfer service for clients.

Публичные дома на Северном Кипре

How to Find Public Houses in Northern Cyprus

"Night clubs" are grouped in two places on the island - on the road through the mountains from Kyrenia to Güzelyurt and on the highway from Nicosia to the west, towards Güzelyurt again. It is quite easy to recognize them from the road at night by neon signs and the inscription "Night Club". However, it is also not difficult to distinguish them from a regular hotel during the day. Below you will find the coordinates of these places.

Addresses and Phone Numbers of Public Houses in Northern Cyprus

Here are the locations where you can find entertainment of a spicy nature. They are not located in cities, but on the roads between settlements.

Direction Kyrenia — Güzelyurt





Direction Nicosia — Güzelyurt

Romantic / Almara


Mexico / Biyax

Crazy Girl








Frequently Asked Questions about Public Houses in Northern Cyprus

How legal is this?

From a legal point of view, this is a gray area, meaning it is not prosecuted by law, but all participants in the transaction cannot receive legislative protection.

Do employees of these establishments work voluntarily?

There are various rumors on this matter. It can be said that initially - yes, but the details of the work are often not fully known, and it is difficult for most people to refuse the contract immediately if something does not suit them.

How safe is it?

For clients - it is quite safe, provided that the rules of the establishment are followed, no violence is used, and the ordered services are fully paid for.

The administration of Cyprus-FAQ does not encourage visiting these establishments; it is at the discretion of each adult thinking citizen. We only provide publicly available information.

If you are interested in contacts with the opposite sex on a legal and non-commercial basis, visit the largest Telegram forum about Northern Cyprus, where there is a section "Meetings" where users seek points of intersection and meet in person.

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