Cyprus, Nicosia

Russian-speaking diaspora in Limassol

Updated: 1 year ago
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The Russian-speaking inhabitants of the island often name it Limassolgrad or Lim and consider the city their capital. In Limassol, tens of thousands of immigrants from the CIS countries live, and mostly our compatriots invested in modern houses and villas here. In the city, one can hear Russian at almost every step, and they even announce bus stops not only in Greek but in Russian. Limassol has a Russian TV channel, radio, and print media. Expatriates with children may go to Russian kindergartens, schools, and even a library in the city. Many signboards of stylish European cafes are in Russian, and buckwheat and condensed milk from numerous Russian stores are always available for nostalgic immigrants.

Offices of Russian banks and other companies began to open in Limassol in the 90s. Over time, our IT specialists arrived with their families, working both in international and Russian offices. The Russian-speaking diaspora has grown, and now it is more than 50,000 people per city with a population of 240,000. Therefore, even if you do not speak English or Greek, people will understand you in Limassol, and besides, you will find new acquaintances and even friends among compatriots here.

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