How to get a residence permit in North Cyprus
Residence permit, or abbreviated RP, is the right to long-term stay on the territory of Northern Cyprus.
You can obtain RP in Northern Cyprus independently through the state online platform of the Ministry of Interior Affairs. This is quite a laborious process, and some may lead to rejection. If you are not confident in your abilities, it is better to seek help from specialists, for example, from the company DeJure (contacts at the bottom of the article). But if you are determined to do everything on your own, we will now tell you how.
- Grounds for RP in Northern Cyprus
- Documents for RP Application
- Availability of Funds in the Account
- Submitting Documents for RP
- Payment and Analysis Submission
- FAQs about RP
Grounds for RP in Northern Cyprus
When applying for RP independently, you will first need to determine the grounds on which you are obtaining the residence permit. RP in Northern Cyprus is issued under 17 different categories:
- Family for spouse(s)
- Family for applicant's children
- Family for applicant's parents
- Based on property ownership
- High income
- Medical tourism
- Industrial training / internship
- Student exchange program
- Yachters
- Judicial or administrative appointment
- Shooting of artistic or documentary films
- Graduates of TRNC educational institutions
- Pensioners
- For licensed athletes competing
- For integrating foreigners into the country's culture
- Family for applicant's partner (cohabitant)
- Humanitarian resolution
Below, we will look at two of the most popular RP categories - based on high income and property ownership.
RP in Northern Cyprus based on property ownership
Previously, to obtain RP for own property, it was enough to have a registered sales contract with the tax and land committee. Now, in addition to this, you will need an application number for approval from the Council of Ministers to purchase property by a foreigner in Northern Cyprus.
Obtaining RP based on high income
Many refer to this as "RP by lease agreement." If you do not own real estate, you will still rent something, but officially it is called "RP based on high income." You must prove to the government that you are financially capable and have sufficient income to live here. Unlike the previous grounds, this requires three times the amount in the account.

This is what the finished document looks like in your personal account.
Documents for RP Application in Northern Cyprus
The list of documents for obtaining RP under the considered grounds is almost the same. The difference lies in the provided contract (sale or lease)
- Sales contract (for owners)
- Application number for purchase approval (for owners)
- Notarized lease agreement (for high income)
- Copy of passport (main page)
- Copy of page with entry stamp to the island
- Certificate from mukhtar (issued based on the sales contract)
- 3x4 photo
- Bank account statement
- If spouse(s) present: notarized translation of marriage certificate
- If children present: children's passports
Availability of Funds for RP Application in Northern Cyprus
According to new laws, before applying for RP, you will need to have a minimum of 12 minimum wages of TRNC on your deposit account for property owners and three times more (at least 36 minimum wages of TRNC) - for those applying based on high income.
As of April 2024, this amounts to 331,044 and 993,132 Turkish Lira (11,000$ and 33,000$) respectively. More about the amount required for obtaining residence permit.
Submitting Documents for Residence Permit in Northern Cyprus
Uploading Documents on the Website
First, you need to upload all documents electronically to your personal account on the website as scans or high-quality photos. Also, indicate the period for which you are requesting the residence permit. This can be a period from 6 months to 2 years, but in most cases, it is issued for 1 year. After that, the system will offer you the nearest date and time for an interview at the police station in your place of residence, where you will need to bring copies of the documents uploaded to the website.
Interview at the Police Station
You will need to submit the original documents in person to the police station at the address indicated during the registration process on the Ministry of Interior website.
Payment and Medical Tests for Residence Permit in Northern Cyprus
Next, within a few hours, the next stage of the residence permit process will be opened – payment for medical tests. After making the payment, you will receive the address of the nearest available medical laboratory. It is recommended to take the tests within a week after the appointment. At the medical institution, blood will be drawn from a vein (a detailed analysis) and tests for HIV, tuberculosis reaction, and chest X-ray will be conducted. The results of the tests are uploaded to the system within a week.
Frequently Asked Questions about Residence Permit in Northern Cyprus
For what period can you apply for a residence permit?
The TRNC authorities issue residence permits for 6, 12, and 24 months. However, the migration officer may issue a residence permit for a different period than requested or may not issue one at all.
What if the medical tests for the residence permit are not good?
If any of the tests comes back positive, your residence permit application will be rejected, even if you own property.
How much does the medical testing for a residence permit in Northern Cyprus cost?
The cost of medical tests as of April 2024 is 4690 TL. Payment is made in the same personal account on the official Ministry of Interior website, where the application was processed, and only with a local bank credit card.
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