Cyprus, Nicosia

FAQ - Republic of Cyprus

Total Questions: 372
Updated: 16 hours ago
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Questions: 26
Updated: 2 months ago
In this section you can find information on how to obtain or extend a local visa, Schengen or American visa, find out about the validity of your visa, pay a fine for delaying a visa and how to avoid a fine, as well as all questions about a residence permit.
Questions: 6
Updated: 2 days ago
In this section, all questions related to the registration of a lease agreement, a sale and purchase agreement, obtaining a certificate of ownership and other issues related to real estate in the Republic of Cyprus.
Questions: 46
Updated: 2 weeks ago
To choose a suitable city for rest or life, one should know the island and the peculiarities of each region. Therefore, we have prepared a brief overview of the most famous cities in Cyprus. We hope this information will help you to find the right location.
Questions: 64
Updated: 6 days ago
In this section you will find information related to the purchase, rental and registration of cars. We will also tell you about the operation of public transport on the Cyprus.
Questions: 32
Updated: 2 weeks ago
In this section you will find answers to various interesting questions that are not included in the main sections, but are very relevant. Ordering food, restaurants, transporting animals and more.
Questions: 56
Updated: 3 weeks ago
In this section you can find everything about leisure and entertainment in Cyprus.
Questions: 2
Updated: 5 months ago